ISO quality systems putting the team back

ISO quality systems Ireland

ISO consultant

ISO management systems
ISO-IRL.ie is a new and progressive company aiming to rethink the ISO standards to bring them into line with today's modern business.
ISO-IRL.ie was set up in 2014, its team is a mix of veterans in the ISO auditing community with one aim to modernize the way an ISO system is implemented. It was time to upgrade the way the ISO quality system works for small companies.
How can we take such a radical approach to the ISO system? Pretty simple really the new ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 and Now the new ISO45001: 2018 management systems are now more friendly to today's modern office.
ISO-IRL.ie have taken the view that all companies are NOT equal when it comes to ISO certification. A medium sized company has dedicated staff to handle the implementation and management of an ISO system, were a small company with maybe only two employees will NOT have the time or resources to manage an ISO system.
This is where ISO-IRL.ie come in, we take the hassle out of having the ISO certification and even managing it from month to month. With a new way of handling a quality management system, ISO-IRL.ie have developed a management system that will be placed on the office server or pc linking all documents and forms in one convenient spreadsheet ( NO MORE lever arch files).